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Never Be Sick Again Ideo Books

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Outset your review of Never Exist Ill Again: Health Is a Pick, Learn How to Choose Information technology
Dec fifteen, 2010 rated it information technology was amazing
I have to say that, compared to nigh Americans, I lead a fairly good for you lifestyle. I melt almost everything my family unit consumes from scratch. Nosotros rarely dine out (except for a weekly foray to a local Lebanese restaurant where we tin discover inexpensive entrees made from fresh vegetables and lentils.) I drink unsweetened tea and water. I practise not buy food that comes in boxes. I do non buy pre-prepared foods except for the occasional emergency carry out at a wellness food store. I take a daily su I have to say that, compared to almost Americans, I atomic number 82 a fairly good for you lifestyle. I melt nearly everything my family consumes from scratch. We rarely dine out (except for a weekly foray to a local Lebanese restaurant where nosotros tin find cheap entrees made from fresh vegetables and lentils.) I beverage unsweetened tea and water. I practise not purchase food that comes in boxes. I do not purchase pre-prepared foods except for the occasional emergency carry out at a health food store. I take a daily supplement. I attempt to walk four or v days a week. We are blest to take wellness insurance, then I can schedule a yearly exam and meet a doctor if I experience I need 1.

But after reading this volume...(particularly right in the midst of my annual holiday rampage where I go off my low sugar diet for a few weeks to relish baking traditions)...I feel like I have just stumbled out of a Lost Weekend with Hunter S. Thompson and Mickey Rourke. Because this book basically says that our unabridged environment is toxic. And that habits nosotros have formed in this club since our primeval childhood are going to kill us.

Information technology is a frightening book.

Raymond Francis is not a doctor. He was trained every bit a pharmacist and went to MIT. He had a very successful career and lived a standard flush American lifestyle. Things vicious apart for him at age 47 when his health began to neglect. He suffered across-the-board physical breakup, chronic exhaustion, allergies, muscle aches and multiple chemical sensitivities. Francis' medico blamed most of these issues on 'aging'. Francis was told to have a holiday. It did not help.

Afterwards deciding to see an allergist, Francis's fate appeared to exist sealed. The allergist administered a diagnostic test chosen an intradermal test--injecting an allergen into the skin. This is a much more than risky test than the typical scratch tests. This procedure is known to crusade injury and even death in some patients. In Francis' instance, the result was a disaster. His immune system became completely compromised. In the next year, Francis would endure a multitude of autoimmune syndromes, including thyroiditis and lupus. He visited 36 medical doctors in that time period. Finally Raymond Francis encountered the doctor who would nearly kill him. This dr. prescribed an antiparasitic drug called metronidazaole, which turned out to be toxic to Francis' liver. Francis suffered a severe reaction to this drug and his liver failed. He was deathly ill, emaciated at 120 pounds, bed ridden and his doctors doubted that he would survive.

Although Raymond Francis was physically devastated, a part of him wanted to fight for his health. He was inspired by Norman Cousin's "Anatomy of an Illness" -- the book where Cousins describes his ain fight confronting a mortiferous illness. If Cousins, a layman with no medical or scientific background, could fight for his life and win, why couldn't Raymond Francis, a trained chemist, practise the same?

Thus the author went on to fight for his health. He did so by dent the concept of illness down to elemental building blocks of our bodies, our cells. According to Francis, all disease is acquired either by a deficiency in our cells (they are not getting vital nutrition they need) or toxins (the cells are compromised past a polluted environment).
Using Vi Pathways to Health, Francis explains how we can maintain our health through nutrition, through the avoidance of toxins, through psychology (maintaining emotional balance), through physical health (exercise and sensible caution), through genetics (our genes are non our absolute destiny, according to Francis we can 'choose' whether or not to 'unlock' disease that runs in our family through our habits in the other areas) and medical (our relationship with the mainstream health system.)

I am giving this book five stars because I honestly believe anybody in America should be getting much of this data. We put things in our mouths and feed things to our kids that compare to going into a chem lab or a land make full and ingesting those poisons. Many people are thoroughly misinformed almost what is healthy and and what is non. The mainstream health organization does trivial to articulate upwardly this confusion; and ofttimes adds to information technology. I accept seen the results of right eating upwardly close. My husband and I cleaned up our act most 7 years ago and nosotros live the positive results daily. I feel nosotros are on the right track, diet wise, and I picked up some more information I can apply to further reduce our intake of toxins.

In other areas, I have further to get. I purchase and use standard issue toiletries and cosmetics and I am starting to rethink this. I am concerned near out drinking water. I wonder if I should become certain tests now when they are prescribed to me at the doctor's office. I have been on birth control pills for years and years and I now wonder what I am doing to my torso.

And on and on.

This is the terrifying aspect of this volume. It takes the life you accept been leading for decades and makes you rethink every niggling affair. It is almost impossible to toss everything out of the window and commencement fresh with a lifestyle that completely contradicts what mainstream civilisation is telling you to do. You almost have to be facing death to rise to that challenge. And reading this volume might take someone with a fairly practical relationship with illness (such equally myself) and turn them into an obsessive hypochondriac.)

So, I encourage everyone who wants to stick around planet World a fiddling longer to read this book and explore ways that, step-by-step and a little at a time, you can improve the health of your cells and, therefore your entire physical system (including your mental and emotional outlook.)

Just don't get too crazy and plow into Chimera Boy. Considering that isn't healthy either!

Heidi Harvey

I didn't finish this book. It had alot of things that truly fabricated sense but if yous live the manner this guy suggest yous would literally have to live in a remote jungle or mountain region away from EVERYTHING. I am not exaggerating. Lots of good data but very very extreme.

I didn't finish this book. It had alot of things that truly made sense but if yous live the way this guy suggest you would literally have to live in a remote jungle or mountain region away from EVERYTHING. I am not exaggerating. Lots of expert information but very very extreme.

Erin Henry
I'1000 just not convinced yet. This human was very sick and conventional medicine could non aid him. Through fugitive toxins and improving his diet he did get amend. His communication is just so radical, I don't run into how people can implement it all. When I read it I was and then overwhelmed with all the dangers in food and the environment; and his advice on what to practise that I was tempted to just requite up on changing annihilation. I near wish he had a baby step version of his volume. I do agree that we need to be be I'chiliad simply not convinced even so. This homo was very sick and conventional medicine could not assistance him. Through avoiding toxins and improving his diet he did get better. His advice is just so radical, I don't see how people can implement information technology all. When I read information technology I was so overwhelmed with all the dangers in nutrient and the environs; and his advice on what to practise that I was tempted to just surrender on irresolute anything. I well-nigh wish he had a baby step version of his volume. I exercise concur that we demand to be improve informed about the dangers in our nutrient and environment and try to avoid what we can. However, I'g not gear up to give upwards milk, wheat and tap water only yet. I wish he fleshed out his arguments on why milk and wheat were bad. There were just a few pages stating they were bad, stay away. That's not enough to convince me to give up something integral to our nutrition.
His views on modernistic medicine were intriguing. He states that all disease is caused by cellular malfunction stemming from deficiency or toxicity. He gives six pathways to get better: diet, toxin, psychological, physical, genetic, medical. I wonder what would happen in doctors adopted his ideas and tried to treat causes not symptoms.
I likewise concur with him that doctors should have more than nutritional training. I wish everyone had to see a nutritionist yearly as a part of their concrete. Modernistic medicine does need to move more toward prevention.
Mindi Rosser
The elusive Fountain of Youth preoccupies the minds of our population in this Dr. Oz inspired media delusion. Whole Grains or Low Carbs? High protein or Vegetarian? How tin can one make up one's mind the path to blissful health with the plethora of contradicting science-supported nutritional plans?

Never Be Sick Again by Raymond Francis seeks to demystify the path to wellness through its information overloaded pages. His approach to healing employs the employ of a pyramid equally a graphic explanation. This pyramid i

The elusive Fountain of Youth preoccupies the minds of our population in this Dr. Oz inspired media delusion. Whole Grains or Depression Carbs? High protein or Vegetarian? How can 1 make up one's mind the path to blissful wellness with the plethora of contradicting science-supported nutritional plans?

Never Exist Sick Again by Raymond Francis seeks to demystify the path to wellness through its information overloaded pages. His approach to healing employs the use of a pyramid equally a graphic explanation. This pyramid illustrates the post-obit information. One cause of sickness: unruly cells. Two bug: toxicity or deficiency. Six methods to heal: superior diet, minimization of toxins, psychological well-existence, physical exercise/direction, genetic manipulations, and medical remedies.

Some studies are cited. Personal experience is too heavily emphasized. Most of his recommendations are just speculation. A few do take merit, but they are better explained elsewhere. Being well-read in diet and health, I yet learned a few tips to integrate into my life. I could not practically apply all of his suggestions to enhance wellbeing. Even I felt overwhelmed by the seeming toxicity of my own life according to Francis, and I am an educated wellness consultant, local food abet, and holistic adherent.

If you are withal interested in the book, I advise y'all borrow it from your local public library. After reading the edition, make up one's mind for yourself whether or not it's a worthwhile addition to your bookshelf.

John Patrick Morgan
At times the simplicity of the applications of the principles in the book are quite big-headed and ignorant. The promises are of ballsy proportions. Also the volume spent lots of fourth dimension on what to avoid and in comparison lilliputian time on what to seek. A large corporeality of solutions were directions towards the author'southward website.

Yet, the fundamental ideas in the book have given me a solid foundation to identify my intuition upon and volition largely impact my life through giving me a new perspective on health. Thursday

At times the simplicity of the applications of the principles in the volume are quite arrogant and ignorant. The promises are of epic proportions. Also the book spent lots of time on what to avoid and in comparison little time on what to seek. A large amount of solutions were directions towards the author's website.

Nonetheless, the fundamental ideas in the volume have given me a solid foundation to identify my intuition upon and will largely impact my life through giving me a new perspective on health. The model of all disease stemming from cellular malfunction due to toxicity or malnourishment fits perfectly with my attention to the rules of low level interactions in bottom up systems every bit a solution to higher order manifestations.

Human life is an emerging arrangement of lower level life forms, I.e. Tissues and cells. Attention paid to the cells is reflected in all higher levels.

Much reccomended...and keep some salt nearby for pinching.

Nov xix, 2014 rated it it was amazing
This book changed my life.

Many would tell you that, and I'm one of them. I'm not striving to seem more unique than others in my review; I simply want to give this book -this not bad man- justice.

Raymond had suffered from a fatal illness some twenty years agone, and he was on his death bed, but he came back to full health (existent one this time).

Information technology wasn't some miraclous recovery or some miracle cure; information technology was only a lifestyle. A few changes here and there took him out of bed and dorsum on his feet with a ne

This volume inverse my life.

Many would tell you that, and I'm ane of them. I'm non striving to seem more than unique than others in my review; I just want to give this book -this great human- justice.

Raymond had suffered from a fatal illness some xx years ago, and he was on his death bed, but he came back to full health (real i this time).

Information technology wasn't some miraclous recovery or some miracle cure; it was merely a lifestyle. A few changes hither and in that location took him out of bed and back on his feet with a new purpose: educating people like he educated himself (to put information technology in his own words).

I don't await you to agree with all the content of this book, and he tin't also expect anybody to support him fully.
His aim from this book is to convince the largest number of people that merely A FEW changes in there diets and lives can mean the difference between life and decease.

The 5-star rating of this book isn't for its mode of writing or for its scientific content; it's for the "shift in prespective" that it has given me. I no longer encounter disease, illness, wellness, diet, medicine... as I used too. For the meliorate.

...more than
Toby Neal
I was so hoping this book had something new to say, but other than listing "vi pathways to health" and emphasizing that each consumer is responsible to for their own health rather than depending on the medical profession, in that location was litte new information to be had.

Also I bought it as a Kindle book and I don't think that'southward the way to go with advisory books; it was too hard to skim and skip as I like to do with such topics. The writing style was a fleck pompous and heavy-handed and I had to read

I was so hoping this book had something new to say, but other than listing "6 pathways to health" and emphasizing that each consumer is responsible to for their ain wellness rather than depending on the medical profession, at that place was litte new information to be had.

Also I bought information technology as a Kindle volume and I don't think that's the way to go with advisory books; it was also hard to skim and skip equally I like to do with such topics. The writing style was a scrap pompous and heavy-handed and I had to read way too much of it to get the the "meat" of each chapter in the Kindle format.

Valerie Snow
Nov 05, 2012 rated information technology really liked it
Get-go, permit me say that at that place is no manner that I could fully implement this lifestyle. However, this volume is packed with useful information that has increased my awareness of what I am eating and feeding to my family unit. I hope to brand better and better nutritional choices as time goes by. I am also hoping that others begin to be more aware of our agronomics and nutrient industries. I hope that consumers go on to demand improve, healthier food, so that it becomes more readily bachelor and affordable. Showtime, let me say that there is no way that I could fully implement this lifestyle. However, this volume is packed with useful information that has increased my awareness of what I am eating and feeding to my family. I promise to make better and better nutritional choices equally fourth dimension goes by. I am also hoping that others begin to exist more than aware of our agriculture and food industries. I promise that consumers continue to demand better, healthier food, so that it becomes more readily bachelor and affordable. Read this book and know what is ideal for your body. ...more
Jul 24, 2010 rated it it was amazing
This volume changed my life. I read information technology in it's entirety in a few hours. Francis elegantly explains the reason for all affliction. He then proceeds to describe all of the ways people get sick using personal anecdotes and demonstrating how nosotros tin can avoid sickness. Yes Raymond Francis owns a heath products business and Yes he promotes his business organisation in his volume (and rightfully and then). But that doesn't brand the information in this book any less valuable. Non but that, but he suggests other brands you tin bu This book changed my life. I read information technology in it'south entirety in a few hours. Francis elegantly explains the reason for all disease. He then proceeds to describe all of the ways people become sick using personal anecdotes and demonstrating how we can avert sickness. Yeah Raymond Francis owns a heath products business and Yep he promotes his business in his volume (and rightfully and so). Just that doesn't make the information in this volume any less valuable. Not but that, simply he suggests other brands y'all tin buy health products from that he supports. ...more than
Oct xxx, 2011 rated it really liked it
This book is truly one of those heart-opening and life changing books. It's difficult to get through at times considering of so much data, but if you truly intermission downward and analyze every section, information technology volition be a book worth reading. I'd recommend this book to anyone serious nigh taking charge of their health. Truly a must read. This book is truly 1 of those center-opening and life changing books. Information technology's hard to get through at times because of so much information, but if you lot truly break down and analyze every section, information technology will be a book worth reading. I'd recommend this book to anyone serious about taking charge of their health. Truly a must read. ...more
Mar ten, 2011 rated it really liked information technology
I met the author recently and was fascinated by his story and enthusiasm.

This volume has the potential to change and possibly even salve your life.

While I am aware that he is also trying to sell yous supplements, he makes an incredibly convincing example for why you lot need them.

Jan 09, 2014 rated information technology it was amazing
peachy author! Makes yous realize lots of things related to your health.
Alaeddin Hallak
This volume has forever inverse my view of health and disease. Information technology's an absolutely essential read for everyone. Period. This book has forever changed my view of health and disease. Information technology'due south an absolutely essential read for everyone. Period. ...more than
Jul 16, 2021 rated it really liked information technology
Raymond in this master piece sheds light on the horrible life style we're all living in, with some focus on food diet.
He suggests we should focus on six path means in order to proceeds healthier & prolonged life (avoid the ii primary causes of diseases toxicity & deficiency)
ane) nutrition
2) toxin
three) psychological
4) physical
5) genetic
6) medical

Eye opener!

Raymond in this master slice sheds light on the horrible life style we're all living in, with some focus on nutrient diet.
He suggests we should focus on half-dozen path ways in order to gain healthier & prolonged life (avoid the two main causes of diseases toxicity & deficiency)
1) diet
2) toxin
3) psychological
iv) physical
5) genetic
6) medical

Center opener!

...more than
Sandra Munger
Interesting concept - keep your cells healthy and y'all will not take any affliction. Somethings I didn't agree with and he missed a major detail. But following this would probably help your wellness Interesting concept - keep your cells healthy and you will not have any disease. Somethings I didn't agree with and he missed a major item. But following this would probably help your wellness ...more than
Mary Miller
Feb 07, 2018 rated information technology did not like it
Okay, congratulations on bringing dorsum his own health. I do hateful that. But after listening to this volume on tape, I institute myself beyond frustrated. He is condescending to folks who are ill, tries to arraign united states of america for existence ill (how dare we?), and because he constitute a "magic" answer for his condition does Non mean that his ideology will CURE your wellness problems, we are non BIOIDENTICAL in any way shape for form. He is NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR or even a biochemist and would be very concerned well-nigh someone tr Okay, congratulations on bringing back his own health. I do mean that. But afterward listening to this book on tape, I institute myself beyond frustrated. He is condescending to folks who are ill, tries to arraign us for being ill (how dare we?), and considering he found a "magic" reply for his condition does NOT mean that his ideology will CURE your health problems, we are non BIOIDENTICAL in whatever way shape for form. He is NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR or even a biochemist and would exist very concerned near someone trying to tell you that giving a name to a disease, is somehow going to give you lot a life sentence of the affliction, what volition is to ignore medical attention when it'due south necessary.

To try to avoid toxins in our day and age would be plain silly. Toxins are in our water (antidepressant drugs, very toxic chemicals that can't be pulled from our waters, hormones that are in the water due to what we give ourselves, then in that location are the pollutants from Monsanto, ADM, and other chemical polluters, the islands of plastic in our oceans for crying out loud harm united states of america daily, so the fracking), and that's just our water source! At that place are no virgin country sources anymore, then what well-nigh our nutrient? Then, what well-nigh our toxic air? Or our Toxic clothing, or our Toxic homes....where do you draw the line?

Ideally, food is at it'south best when information technology's cooked (or ate, juiced) within twenty minutes of having been pulled. Then is this feasible suggestion in our day and age? And reducing food down to a handle full of a limited portion of fruits and veggies solitary is just a reductionist thought that has been pushed since the days of Kellogg'south Sanitarium (come across "Road to Wellville") and it's not sustainable, it may be for HIM, but for the rest of the states? Really? I don't know what kind of supplements he's trying to button, but supplements isn't exactly heathful either!


Our society is filled with what is the problem: if you want to hear it. We can talk about our adrenals beingness stressed to the maximum caste, I call up you lot might find a bigger reply. We're talking about a society that requires sixty, 70,80-60 minutes work week (with NO BREAKS) that people are finding impossible to continue, and we MUST practise information technology ALL ourselves. Fifty-fifty if you lot seem to thrive on stress, our bodies really don't and it keeps track of how much we thrust at ourselves, and this includes 'false stressors' which our bodies cannot distinguish itself from (if we see information technology on TV, estimator or fifty-fifty read information technology) our poor bodies accept it equally "real" and what is harming us (fight or flying) and especially for those whose adrenals are out of whack can adjure to this. Again, we might like the 'thrill of it" but our bodies can't tell the difference between a tiger chasing y'all and a tiger in the movies coming after someone else, to our bodies that stress is the same. Our Olympics dorsum in the 1970's found that visualizing going down a wintertime gradient on skis and really using the trunk to go downward the same slope, our brains recollect it is the aforementioned matter. Get it?

Trying to control cellular development is crazy. If nosotros were in the Idiot box bear witness "Bewitched", our cells would behave according to a moving ridge of our hand, or an incantation to brand them whatever we wanted them to be. As we historic period our cells will mutate and modify, they simply practise. Thinking that somehow you'll never dice, is a fool's errand. He claimed in this book that the #1 killer is drugs (all medical intervention).

Desire to live longer? Stop living in fright, eat nutrient that you tin eat that is skillful for YOU (non someone else), and have time to take a stress interruption past meditation or other means. Giving hugs is good, Laughter is practiced, endless demands of what to stop eating unless yous have some other Earth, will probably non gear up the state of affairs. Blaming the patient? The worst.

...more than
Aisha Alhammadi
one of the most benign books that i came across. the amount of information in information technology is very awakening. just i concern that its not upgraded or updated since it'due south published in 2002. medicine and research are improving by time and scientist make all the possible efforts to cause no harm. i advice every individual to read such books. well done to the author and his expert investment in such crucial topics. one of the most beneficial books that i came across. the amount of data in information technology is very enkindling. merely one business that its not upgraded or updated since information technology's published in 2002. medicine and inquiry are improving by fourth dimension and scientist make all the possible efforts to cause no harm. i communication every individual to read such books. well done to the writer and his skillful investment in such crucial topics. ...more
Jun 29, 2011 rated information technology really liked it  · review of another edition
Recommended to Lena past: Rose Hillbrand
2009 volume review
well, i'm gonna crook and post my reply earlier i'm all the way through this book. only i'g finished with the last pathway, and and so i merely have the conclusion left. anyhow, this book was definately an eye opener. i'm not really much into self assistance books, and i'k very skeptical of them, including this one. just, i have been sick a lot the last couple of years, so i idea i'd read it with an open mind and try out some of the suggestions. there is so much information it's hard to proc
2009 book review
well, i'thousand gonna cheat and post my reply earlier i'm all the way through this book. but i'm finished with the final pathway, and so i only accept the conclusion left. anyway, this book was definately an eye opener. i'm not really much into self help books, and i'm very skeptical of them, including this one. just, i have been sick a lot the last couple of years, so i thought i'd read information technology with an open heed and try out some of the suggestions. there is then much information information technology'southward difficult to process and think everything. but the book was easy to read, attainable and non too technical or detailed. i found that it was easy reading, but information technology dragged and took me a long time to finish.

the thing is, it is insanely expensive to practice everything listed in the book, and you'd pretty much have to exist a millionaire to do everything. but i figured i'd do the things i could afford. such every bit the food combining and eating more than organic foods. i was quite disappointed to notice out how much i was eating that was bad for me. anyway, it'due south not that hard with the food combinations (plus, it's gratis!) and i am def. going to cutting out as much equally possible the Big Four (white sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils, and milk). i will non be cutting out all dairy products, but may cut down on them. i dont really think i tin can eat all that raw food, just i like salad and such. too, i find it hard to give up things like stale fruit, etc, when i've already given upwardly the more manifestly bad snacks (you know, the ones that gustation really adept :)

all the same, right now i'thou on vacation and decided information technology would exist also hard to stick to all these restrictions, so i am non doing the things i should. i fifty-fifty ate brownies and ice cream one night, and found that it wasnt all that exciting--i still like information technology, simply it isnt something i deceit live without. plus, i all the same consume chocolate (organic dark chocolate--which is amazing anyway, so i dont feel that bad since i'k not giving upwardly chocolate.) anyhow, i similar reading about all the pathways, but i dont think i'll ever terminate wearing makeup or using balm, tho i may use healthier stuff. i merely cant bring myself to throw away all the stuff i have already since i dont accept a job and all, and it seems incorrect somehow to throw all this expensive stuff abroad. may modify from using it once information technology's gone, but that may have a while. i did buy some "organic" mascara, just to find out that only 14% of the ingredients are organic, so information technology seems to be kind of a sham.

basically i liked the book and found it interesting and discouraging, just i'm willing to try out the suggestions and see if it makes a difference. i rate the book three.5 out of 5 stars, and i'd recommend it to anyone interested in health

...more than
Jun 01, 2011 rated it it was amazing
I became aware of this book from a podcast Dr. Liz Lipski'south podcast called "Access to Wellness Experts." You can find a link to that podcast at her other website Dr. Lipski has her doctorate in nutrition and she interviews some of the most noted health experts in the field of integrative and natural medicine. Dr. Lipski interviewed Raymond Francis and I have to say I was and then impressed with the interview I had to get the volume. I have recently been looking into alternative I became aware of this book from a podcast Dr. Liz Lipski'south podcast called "Access to Health Experts." You can find a link to that podcast at her other website world wide Dr. Lipski has her doctorate in nutrition and she interviews some of the most noted wellness experts in the field of integrative and natural medicine. Dr. Lipski interviewed Raymond Francis and I have to say I was and so impressed with the interview I had to get the book. I have recently been looking into alternative medicine mainly for personal reasons I won't become into. I have always consider this field for I used to think of as "tree hugging hippies." I am slowly irresolute my mind. There are nevertheless quite a few quacks in the world of alternative medicine, but aren't there some quacks in the tradtional medical field equally well? I accept already read the first 2 chapters and if I had the time I would read this volume in a single sitting. Information technology is and then far an easy read. I wish mainstream medicine would look into this field and give it a shot and see if some of what is being said and taught isn't in fact true. I sympathise Raymond Francis may accept an ulterior motive to get his readers to purchase his products. This is the problem I find with most of the people in this industry, but they have to make a living someway. Nosotros have been brainwashed by Big Pharma and our traditional medical industry into believing and trusting anything and everything they tell us and I'thou afraid that near of it is nothing more than "toxic snake oil." Francis looks at ways of optimizing our health at the cellular level, believing that if nosotros can feed and treat all of our human cells that it will interpret in bang-up wellness, never getting sick once more. I would like to invite others to read this book as well, especially if y'all are a doctor or work in the medical industry. ...more
Jan 08, 2012 rated it information technology was astonishing
I will admit that I have become more jaded with my own health journeying. Equally I continue to read alternative wellness books I am distraught at the mis-information taught to me in college. I am disturbed that my doctors have lost the ability to recall for themselves and open their minds to new (and some really old) ideas about wellness care. This book actually solidifies my belief that modernistic wellness care is really death intendance. Heath care waits until y'all are sick and then smothers your symptoms with no regard I will admit that I accept become more than jaded with my own health journey. As I continue to read culling health books I am distraught at the mis-data taught to me in higher. I am disturbed that my doctors have lost the ability to recollect for themselves and open their minds to new (and some really old) ideas well-nigh wellness care. This book actually solidifies my belief that modern health intendance is really death care. Heath care waits until you are sick and and so smothers your symptoms with no regard to cure the problems. In my heed modernistic care should be preventative. This book presents every disease we know to be the aforementioned; cancer, heart illness, gall stones, arthritis, etc are all malfunctioning cells. With this knowledge is the key to preventative care and recovery. Malfunctioning cells are caused by toxins or deficiencies in our cells. This is some very powerful data. I would recommend this book to all who are ill to guide them to recovery to all in medical intendance to educate them and to all who feel well so that they can maintain their health for years to come. Cheers Raymond Francis for a well written and informative book. ...more than
Hossein Moavi
Jun 13, 2020 rated it did not like it
I'm non saying it's a terrible volume to read, in fact, information technology contains some useful information in order to improve our lifestyle. Ideally, the manner he proposes will eventually result in ultimate health (as he calls it), merely it's not possible and information technology's way as well extreme. Yous must live faaaar away from civilization in a jungle or a mount to meet his standards of health. One affair that I really hated well-nigh the book that fabricated me close it and sell it equally a secondhand book was he was ad products. Ch I'm not saying it'southward a terrible volume to read, in fact, information technology contains some useful information in order to improve our lifestyle. Ideally, the way he proposes will eventually result in ultimate health (as he calls information technology), but information technology'due south not possible and information technology'southward way too extreme. You must alive faaaar away from civilization in a jungle or a mountain to meet his standards of health. One thing that I actually hated near the book that made me close it and sell it equally a secondhand book was he was advertising products. Cheque the appendix C and you'll run across that at that place'due south a website where the writer purchases whatsoever he needs to go on his ultimate health. This fabricated me hate information technology although it independent some useful information. Not recommended by me at least. ...more
This volume volition alter the way you think about health and illness. Aye, there are some ideas that are kinda out in that location, and most people would not be able to implement many of them even if they wanted to (not applied at all). But the main messages, that health is a choice and that people take much more control over their health than most realize, and that all illnesses have some very fundamental things in common, are spot on and important concepts to empathize in my opinion. That being said, I t This book will change the way you think near health and illness. Yeah, there are some ideas that are kinda out there, and most people would not be able to implement many of them even if they wanted to (non practical at all). Simply the primary messages, that wellness is a choice and that people accept much more command over their wellness than almost realize, and that all illnesses have some very fundamental things in common, are spot on and important concepts to empathize in my opinion. That being said, I think some parts are exaggerated on purpose, simply I still got alot out of it. ...more
Xi Wang
Jun 07, 2013 rated it it was amazing
I call up I felt chronically fatigue last year, and was exhausted just afterwards lecturing and didn't wanna do anything else, until I realized information technology might exist the trouble of my diet subsequently reading the book. The modern meat, dairy product, make believe nutrient and then on are highly toxic, the volume raises the awareness of what I am eating and really is an eye opener. Information technology shares the spirit with traditional Chinese medicine in many ways, our body should exist treated equally a whole system rather than just curing the I remember I felt chronically fatigue final year, and was wearied simply after lecturing and didn't wanna do anything else, until I realized it might be the trouble of my diet later on reading the book. The modern meat, dairy product, make believe nutrient and then on are highly toxic, the book raises the awareness of what I am eating and actually is an centre opener. Information technology shares the spirit with traditional Chinese medicine in many ways, our body should be treated as a whole system rather than just curing the observed symptom. Everybody should read it if you choose to alive salubrious. ...more
Mohammad alshawan
expert book ,it gives us a choice on how to live a healthy life .
Joscyln Day
Mar 21, 2008 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Everyone...
Recommended to Joscyln by: my cousing
My son just deleted all that I wrote but anyways I'm merely on page 50 correct now and it has over 300 pages merely I really like what I have read so far about this guys theories on health. I don't have much time to read only I call back this is an excellent book for anyone really interested in living a healthy happy life. My son just deleted all that I wrote but anyways I'g simply on folio 50 correct now and information technology has over 300 pages just I actually like what I have read so far about this guys theories on health. I don't have much fourth dimension to read but I remember this is an splendid book for anyone really interested in living a healthy happy life. ...more
Susan Margaret
Information technology's an ok volume, but information technology could take been written in 200 pages instead of 343. Some of the information is a bit repetitive. I was amazed to learn that the "fresh" produce in the grocery stores is not actually "fresh" or necessarily full of the vitamins that nosotros expect. I would recommend this book. It is fast and piece of cake reading. Information technology's an ok book, but it could have been written in 200 pages instead of 343. Some of the data is a bit repetitive. I was amazed to learn that the "fresh" produce in the grocery stores is non actually "fresh" or necessarily full of the vitamins that we look. I would recommend this book. It is fast and easy reading. ...more
Aug 06, 2012 rated it it was amazing
It'due south very interesting, although not well referenced. I have read enough books on health that the information he shares resonates with other things that I've read which are well referenced. I think if someone is interested enough in restoring or improving their health - his recommendations accept validity. It'southward very interesting, although not well referenced. I have read enough books on health that the information he shares resonates with other things that I've read which are well referenced. I call up if someone is interested enough in restoring or improving their health - his recommendations have validity. ...more than
Sep 20, 2015 rated information technology information technology was astonishing
I loved this volume. Information technology points out exactly why so many people are getting sick and why their excuses aren't working anymore. Information technology shows that yous tin can't just blame sickness on your genes so y'all can alive an unhealthy life. If you aren't ready to take responsibility for the decisions y'all brand regarding your health, you may non like this book. Otherwise I would definitely recommend it. I loved this book. It points out exactly why so many people are getting sick and why their excuses aren't working anymore. It shows that you can't only blame sickness on your genes so you tin can live an unhealthy life. If y'all aren't ready to have responsibleness for the decisions yous brand regarding your health, you may not like this book. Otherwise I would definitely recommend it. ...more than
Haider Shamsali
this volume has changed my life . it is amazing volume
Librarian Annotation: There is more than than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

Raymond Francis, DSc, MSc, RNC, is a chemist, and a graduate of MIT, and a registered nutrition consultant. Raymond is an internationally recognized leader in the field of optimal wellness maintenance, chairman and CEO of Beyond Health Corporation, the publisher of Beyond Health News, host and producer of the Beyo

Librarian Note: In that location is more than 1 author in the Goodreads database with this proper name.

Raymond Francis, DSc, MSc, RNC, is a pharmacist, and a graduate of MIT, and a registered nutrition consultant. Raymond is an internationally recognized leader in the field of optimal health maintenance, chairman and CEO of Beyond Health Corporation, the publisher of Across Health News, host and producer of the Across Health Show, author of the highly-acclaimed books, Never Be Ill Again and Never Be Fat Again and of the Pathways to Health paper columns.

An in-demand speaker, he has addressed health conferences all over the United States, as well every bit in Germany, Switzerland, Greece and Egypt.


Raymond Francis, M.Sc., is an internationally recognized leader in the emerging field of optimal wellness maintenance. He is chairman and CEO of Across Health Corp., a supplier of highly advanced health education and globe-class, health-supporting products to the public. He is the publisher of Across Health News, author of the Pathways to Health newspaper columns, and host and producer of the radio talk testify An Ounce of Prevention. He lives in San Rafael, California.


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